Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Magazine Title Ideas

My magazine is going to be aimed at students who actually go to the school, instead of parents or teachers who want to know important dates and information. 

Existing Magazine Titles:

Creative Steps - I like this one, because you can picture what kind of age the students that go to the school are. (A young age, first starting school.) 
First News Magazine - Quite a boring title for a magazine, doesn't grab attention.
School Today - Quite vague and doesn't explain what school the magazine is for.
Learning News - Doesn't specify what school it's for, not a very eye catching title for a magazine.
The Junior Chronicle - I like this title because it's inventive and looks proffessional.

Magazine Title Ideas: 

Gordano Gazette - I like the illiteration used to attract people's attention. It will target my audience because 
Gordano Weekly - I'm not keen on this title because it's fairly plain and not very creative. 
The Gordano News - I think this is a good title because it's formal but I don't think it would attract the student audience very well. It would be better suited if the magazine was directed at adults. (parents/teachers)

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