The colour scheme used is clever because red ties in with the theme "USA" written in faded grey letters behind the image of Florence, as the audience's foreknowledge allows them to understand that red is in in the American Flag. The image is also cleverly used, because the bright red colour links to one of the things the artist is best known for; her bright red hair. I think I will use a similar style in my image, and have certain colour elements that relate to the text. For example; a pink item of clothing, with pink writing for the questions in bold.

Here is another example of a magazine double page spread, this article featuring Ellie Goulding. This style of DPS is different to the previous because the picture and text are kept separate. I prefer the other style as I think it makes the magazine look more professional. However the title still overlaps both pages making it clear it is in fact a double page spread. I like the style of photograph, because it's done the same way as the photo of Florence, with a white backdrop and little props cluttering up the image. I think I will take inspiration from both of these when taking the photographs for my own double page spread. The layout for this one is more basic, and doesn't make any design conventions or techniques obvious to the reader. This layout would maybe not be as appropriate to my target because design features may need to meet the high standards of people looking for more alternative music.
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